Monday, December 28, 2009

Ummie Dah Hilang???

Today ummie dah start kerje, after 6 weeks cuti...1 week before school session start. Sebab tu la Mia meragam & notty 2-3 hari ni, dia mcm dah tau-tau jek ummie nak start kerje Monday ni. Panjat sana-sini, punggah baju-baju yg dah berlipat, tak mau makan baby food...etc. Macam-macam la budak ni buat nak cari attention.
Anyway, today Mia bangun pagi ummie dah hilang...dah pegi kerje. Mia merangkak satu rumah cari ummie pon takde. Kesian pulak tengok budak ni...takpe, this month dah ribuan ringgit abis dier pau !!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Birth,Wedding & Funeral

Hmm what a weekend....penuh dgn birthday parties, weddings & funerals. Congrats to those yg baru di ijab kabul & yg sambut birthday di penghujung tahun 2009. Condolences to those yg kehilangan somebody...may Allah bless those yg pergi meninggalkan kita. Tuhan lebih menyayangi...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Makan Trip

When people tengah busy makan lemang & ketupat during Hari Raya Aidil family pulak off to Penang for a makan trip (ruined lagi la diet). Last minute booking, luckily still ade room kosong kat Traders Hotel.

Penang gourmet range from street food (hawkers) to fine dining but her myriad flavours are definitely unique. Penang people ni memang suke makan so as the saying goes, when in Rome do as the Romans do....lots of food kena try nih. Eat, drink & be merry.........

Must try:-
  1. Laksa Penang
  2. Nasi kandar
  3. Rojak/ pasembur
  4. Char Keuy Tiaw
  5. Roti bakar
  6. Cendol
  7. Ice kacang/ ABC

Must see:-
  1. Penang heritage houses/clanhouses
  2. Thee Kong Tua (Jade Emperor's Temple)
  3. Penang Hill
  4. Kek Lok Si Temple
  5. National Park (Muka Head)
  6. Tropikal Spice Garden
  7. Toy museum
  8. Batu Ferringhi beach

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ruined hancusss this week

  • makan berat with all the bad fat never skip
  • exercise tak start2 lagik

so the result should be hancuss laa..kena la bayar penalty RM5 this week


Kelam Kabut...
Yesterday, diwaktu loceng balik hendak berbunyi tetiba jek hanpon mengeluarkan lagu Black Eyed Peas...taukey kedai furniture called. Alamak dier nak deliver kerusi meja makan tu petang ni laa because weekend diorang buat delivery area KL (maklumla rumah kat ulu banat). Kelam kabut beb, kene rush balik, mandi, siapkan Kodomo Lion lagik...banyak hal laa. Anyway tak kisah asalkan kerusi tu ade, takkan la nak makan sambil berdiri or bersila kat atas meja tu..nak buat meja ping-pong boleh la kot.
So around 6.30 akhirnya kerusi tu selamat di ijab kabulkan dengan meja...alhamdulillah

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New House

Last saturday pagi2 dah kena kejut dengan driver lori macy yang tak sabar2 nak deliver sofa baru...aduss kelam kabut beb, Kodomo Lion tak mandi lagik & lori macy to dah on the way to our new house, lagi 10 minutes sampai. So we all mandikan Kodomo Lion cepat2, siapkan dier cepat2 & trus drive to our new house. Terpaksa driver lori tu tunggu dalam 20 minutes... Later that evening, coffee table, tv cabinet n dinning table pon sampai untuk menemani sofa tu. Si Kodomo Lion punyalah hepi, lompat2 atas sofa tu n then tetiba jek dier dah lena. So now our new house pon dah hampir furnish, tapi we all takde plan to move in since takde sape nak jage Kodomo Lion nanti. Rumah tu jadi show house je laa...
Kodomo Lion dah start kotorkan sofa

Kodomo Lion tersenyum simpul atas sofa baru

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sex & Love

People, why men want sex & women need love?
A book by Allan & Barbara Pease, in this practical, humorous and easy-to-read book, the author reveal the truth about men and women. They translate science and cutting edge research into a powerful yet highly entertaining read, and then show you what to do about it!

So people, this is a must-have book for anyone who wants to get the most from their relationship. It provides the answers both men and women are desperate to learn.

Revealed in this book:
- What men and women really want from love and sex
- How to find a great partner and have a happy future
- What to do when the chemistry is wrong
- What turns men and women on - and off
- How to handle a cheater
- How to change your love-life forever
- How to make women want sex more often
- How to regain your mojo

I think both gender memerlukan both sex & love in life, the only different things about it is the degree of kemahuan or keinginan mereka tu. Somehow if we dig more deeper in this issue, it's actually depends on the individual itself. Where different type of men or women hav a differrent degree of needs. For example the degree of needs of a metrosexual man is differ than the degree of an ordinary man (in common) because the metrosexual man is more into love than sex. So the lesson to be learned here is u must 1st identify apekah jenis partner anda before u judge him/her...anyway people regardless apekah jenis partner anda itu as long as u are fully understand him/her u will definately know whether your partner is more into love or sex.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kurus...kurus & kurus lagi

Wanna update skit about level 9 diet program...
Vision & mission level 9 people yg on diet tu dah semakin jelas. Siap ade plan nak buat rombongan cik kiah ke sauna lagik...bagus lah macam tu. I pon terpaksela without further due ambik inisiatif makan roti jek sekarang...alahai rindunye kat pizza

My book

I hav a dream of writing a book about relationship and the title will be '' Better Puke Than Swallow". The title is nice huh? wait till u read it...hehehe

About the title "Better Puke Than Swallow", it's just a metaphor where it's simply means better for you to lets your problem go than keep it in your life...kinda relief huh? There will be lots of theories and real life stories in this book for your better understanding...macam buku "chicken soup" pon ade jugak eh? maybe the theory and story yg berbeza. Manela tau bole jadi best seller pulak my book ni pastu I jadi famous mcm Dr. Phil tu. So just wait for it people...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Floating balloon

Level 9 people sekarang into diet program...itu pun selepas beberape kali usaha mereka ni gagal.So in order to keep the level 9 people yg dalam bahaya ni kekal in diet terpakse la create 1 competition ala rancangan THE BIGGEST LOSER by NBC.

Details of Level 9 The Biggest Loser:-

1. 5 contestant
2. 4 months period
3. RM 5/ week penalty if your weight maintain or meningkat

Without consent I pon terlibat same dalam conspiracy nak kurus ni...maklumla saiz baju pon yg paling last sekarang.Now kene jage makan n exercise skit2,tak boleh nak change diet drastically...rosak medulla oblongata nnt. SO KEEP ON HEALTHY PEOPLE

i will update on this later....

Kodomo Lion

My kodomo lion....Qalisha Damia

Cepat betul si kodomo lion ni membesar, she's now 7 months old. Beware people, now she's into gigit or cubit or both....

1st n3

This blog was created kat opis with help of kakak2 kat opis ni ( time lunch break ok). Maklumlaa people now are into blogging so gua pon nak ade blog jugaklaa. So from this point of time...this is my story.